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主持教授: 顧承宇 特聘教授/副校長 國立臺灣海洋大學

顧承宇特聘教授,現任國立臺灣海洋大學河海工程學系專任特聘教授並兼副校長,顧教授專業為大地防災領域,顧教授曾擔任國科會防災學門複審委員(2019/1 to 2021/12),自2013年起參與基隆市災害防救深耕計畫並擔任計畫主持人迄今,除與基隆市政府合作提升基隆市防救災能力外,亦辦理基隆市區公所及韌性社區相關的圖資更新、教育訓練、兵棋推演及企業防災。該計畫連續三年獲得內政部特優獎勵。此外,顧教授曾擔任國立臺灣海洋大學職業安全衛生中心主任並於2018年取得職安署甲種職業安全衛生業務主管證照。

顧教授自2008年後服務於國立臺灣海洋大學,於2010年獲岩盤工程研討會工程論文獎第一名, 2011年獲行政院國科會優秀青年學者研究計畫獎勵,於2013年榮獲海洋大學「增進社會服務」,2015與2016年榮獲交通部運輸研究所計畫佳作獎,於2017年榮獲海洋大學 「傑出教學教師」(全校僅一位) ,2019年榮獲海洋大學 「特聘教授」等多項獎勵。

顧教授著有SCI收錄之期刊論文總計約75篇,其中有22篇期刊論文刊登於全球前10%優良期刊,51篇期刊論文刊登於全球前30%優良期刊。近5年(2019~迄今) 顧教授著有SCI期刊論文總計約42篇,其中有16篇期刊論文刊登於全球前10%優良期刊,在2021年顧教授發表於頂尖期刊論文刊登於全球前1%優良期刊(IF 4.4, Q1, 4/331, 1.2% JIF).

在研究之門(research gate, RG)顯示,自192不同國家計1,400,000多名科學家中,顧教授之學術研究RG土木工程全球科學家排名在前5%內。顧副校長目前同時擔任全球排名Q2國際知名學術期刊“Applied Sciences”編輯與國際知名學術期刊“JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (JMST)” 編輯(2014迄今),與四項國際SCI期刊特刊編輯。

顧承宇 特聘教授 Curriculum Vitae

Cheng-Yu Ku Distinguished Professor/Vice President


  • Vice President, National Taiwan Ocean University (2022/8~)

國立臺灣海洋大學 副校長 (2022/08~)

  • Vice President for General Affairs, Office of the General Affairs, NTOU  (2020/8~2022/7)

國立臺灣海洋大學 總務長 (2020/8~2022/7)

  • Director, Center for Occupational Safety and Health, NTOU (2018/8~2020/7)

國立臺灣海洋大學職業安全衛生中心 主任 (2018/8~2020/7)

  • Distinguished Professor, NTOU  (2019/8~)

國立臺灣海洋大學河海工程學系 特聘教授 (2019/08~)

  • Professor, Department of Harbor and River Engineering, NTOU  (2014/8~)

國立臺灣海洋大學河海工程學系 教授 (2014/8~)

  • Jointly Appointed Professor,  Institute of Applied Geosciences, NTOU 

國立臺灣海洋大學應用地球科學研究所 合聘教授

  • Associate professor, Department of Harbor and River Engineering, NTOU (2011/7~2014/8)

國立臺灣海洋大學河海工程學系 副教授 (2011/7~2014/8)

  • Assistant professor, Department of Harbor and River Engineering, NTOU (2008/8~2011/7)

國立臺灣海洋大學河海工程學系 助理教授 (2008/8~2011/7)

榮獲獎項Honors and Awards

  •  Awarded the “Distinguished Professor” at National Taiwan Ocean University in 2024.

榮獲2024年國立臺灣海洋大學 「特聘教授」獎勵。

  • Received the Special Outstanding Talent Award from National Taiwan Ocean University from 2011 to 2023.


  •  Honored with the Excellence Award for the Ministry of the Interior’s Resilient Taiwan Large-Scale Disaster Response and Coordination Project in 2023.


  • Received the Excellence Award for the Ministry of the Interior’s Disaster Prevention and Relief Program from 2020 to 2022.


  •  Awarded the Merit Award for the Ministry of the Interior’s Disaster Prevention and Relief Program in 2019.


  •  Received the Research Excellence Award from National Taiwan Ocean University from 2019 to 2022 (only one awardee from all colleges).


  •  Honored with the Excellent Paper Award at the Rock Engineering Symposium in 2018.


  •  Awarded the Special Excellence in the Paper Competition at the 107th Annual Meeting and Academic Seminar of the Geological Society of the Republic of China and the Geophysical Society in 2018.


  •  Awarded the “Distinguished Professor” at National Taiwan Ocean University in 2018.

榮獲2018年國立臺灣海洋大學 「特聘教授」獎勵。

  •  Received the “Outstanding Teaching Teacher” award at National Taiwan Ocean University in 2017 (only one awardee).

榮獲2017年國立臺灣海洋大學 「傑出教學教師」(全校僅一位獲獎)

  •  Honored with the Merit Award for collaborative research projects from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in 2015 and 2016 (June 2016).

榮獲20152016年交通部運輸研究所合作研究計畫佳作研究獎 (2016/6)

  •  Received the Outstanding Young Scholar Research Project grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology from 2011/08/01 to 2014/07/31.

榮獲科技部優秀青年學者研究計畫 2011/08/01 ~2014/07/31

  •  Awarded the Excellent Teaching Teacher at National Taiwan Ocean University in 2011.


  •  Received the Excellent Teaching Teacher award from the College of Engineering at National Taiwan Ocean University in 2011.


  •  Honored with the “Enhancing Social Service” award from Ocean University in 2013 and received a letter of appreciation from the university.


  •  Assisted the Keelung City Government in implementing the Ministry of the Interior’s Disaster Prevention and Relief Program and received a letter of appreciation from the Keelung City Government in February 2014.


專業經歷Professional Affiliations

  • National Members of the Board of Examiners, Ministry of Examination, R.O.C. (2024)

考試院考選部公務人員 高等考試三級考試暨普通考試典試委員 (2024)

經濟部地層下陷防治推動委員會委員 (2022)

  • National committee of geotechnical terms in civil engineering, National Academy for Educational Research, R.O.C. (20112024)

中華民國國家教育研究院 國家教育研究院土木工程名詞第1~7屆審譯委員(20112024)

  • National committee, Ministry of Examination, R.O.C. (2022)


  • Certificate in Teaching to Disaster relief volunteer crop , Ministry of Interior, R.O.C.  (since 2021)

內政部防災士師資 (since 2021)

  • Review Board, Department of Natural Sciences and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C. (2019/01~2021/12)

科技部自然司防災學門專題研究計畫複審委員 (2019/01~2021/12)

  • Technical committee of offshore wind power, Bureau of Standards, Metrology & Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C.  (2020/06)


  • National committee, Ministry of Examination, R.O.C. (2019)

考試院考選部專門職業及技術人員高等考試大地工程技師考試命題與閱卷委員 (2019)

  • Occupational safety and health affair managers (2018~)

甲種職業安全衛生業務主管 (證書, 2018 10~)

  • International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) Commission on Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (20112015)


  • Technical committee of environmental protection, Bureau of Standards, Metrology & Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. (20132015)

中華民國經濟部標準檢驗局 環境保護國家標準技術委員會委員(20132015)

  • Technical committee of civil engineering, Bureau of Standards, Metrology & Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. (20122013)

中華民國經濟部標準檢驗局 土木工程及建築國家標準技術委員會委員(20122013)

  • Research Project Review Committee Member of the Science and Technology Development Center of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan  (20142015)

擔任哈薩克共和國 教育部科學與技術發展中心研究計畫評審委員 (20142015)



(1). Serving as an editor for the globally ranked Q1 international SCI journal “Applied Sciences” (2018–present).

(2). Served as an editor for the international SCI journal “Journal of Marine Science and Technology” (2014).

(3). Serving as an editor for the Q2 global ranked SCI journal “Water” special issue “Leading Edge Technology on Water-Included Landslides” (2024).

(4). Serving as an editor for the Q2 global ranked SCI journal “Water” special issue “Slope Stability Analyses and Landslide Risk Assessment under Hydrodynamic Action” (2024).

(5). Serving as an editor for the Q1 global ranked SCI journal “Applied Sciences” special issue “Machine Learning in Geographical Information Systems (GISs)” (2024).

(6). Serving as an editor for the Q1 global ranked SCI journal “Applied Sciences” special issue “Leading Edge Technology on Land Subsidence” (2022).

(7). Serving as an editor for the Q2 global ranked SCI journal “Water” special issue “Water’s Role in Landslide Hazards Formation: Occurrence, Prevention, and Mitigation” (2023).

(8). Serving as an editor for the Q2 global ranked SCI journal “Water” special issue “Landslides Induced by Surface and Groundwater” (2022).

(9). Serving as an editor for the Q1 global ranked SCI journal “Applied Sciences” special issue “Leading Edge Technology on Groundwater Flow” (2022).

(10). Serving as an editor for the Q1 global ranked SCI journal “Applied Sciences” special issue “Heat and Mass Transfer: Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Materials (Volume II)” (2022).

(11). Serving as an editor for the Q1 global ranked SCI journal “Applied Sciences” special issue “Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications in Thermal Energy” (2019).

財團法人地工技術研究發展基金會編輯與出版委員會委員 (since 2021)

Editorial Board of Section ‘Energy’ in the journal Applied Sciences (a SCIE international journal since 2018)

Guest Editor of Special Issue Heat and Mass Transfer: Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Materials (Volume II)” of Applied Sciences 2020

Guest Editor of Special Issue “Leading edge technology on groundwater flow” of Applied Sciences 2020

Invited speaker, “Reviewing and characterizing regional land subsidence in Yunlin county, Taiwan”, Taiwan International Water Week, 2021.

Invited speaker, “Modeling Flow in Porous Medium Using the Collocation Trefftz Method for Discontinuous Deformation Analysis”, The 15th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation (ICADD15), Japan, 2021.

Session Chairman, The 15th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation (ICADD15), Japan, 2021.

Guest Editor of Special Issue “Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications in Thermal Energy” of Applied Sciences 2019

The international examiner of Doctor of Philosophy thesis, Griffith University, Australia (2015)

International reviewer of research proposal, National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation, Ministry of Education and Science, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, 2014.

International reviewer of research proposal, National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation, Ministry of Education and Science, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, 2011.

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE, ICCES Special Symposium on Meshless & Other Novel Computational Methods, 2011.

Invited speaker, International Conference Computational and Experimental Engineering and Science, 2011.

Session co-chairman, the 45th U.S. Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, American Rock Mechanics Association. 2011.

Keynote speaker, International Conference Computational and Experimental Engineering and Science, 2010.

Session chairman, 2010 Young Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Tawan.

學歷 (Education/Degrees)

美國賓州匹茲堡大學土木工程暨環境工程研究所 博士 (2002)

Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, U. S. A.

國立臺灣大學土木工程研究所 碩士 (1991)

Master in Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

教師研究室 國立臺灣海洋大學 河海工程二館   HRE2 508

研究生研究室 國立臺灣海洋大學 河海工程二館   HRE2 514

20224 基隆市中正區北寧路2


Tel: (02)2462-2192 ext. 6109 (研究室)